genderfluid bi
more active on anitwt

Do not follow if:

  • you're racist, homophobic and transphobic or support ppl who are

  • you ship minors with adults

  • you sexualize underage characters

  • you ship incest (step/adopted family included ofc)

Jason Todd was the second Robin, first introduced as a circus boy and then rebooted to be introduced as the character we know nowadays. He was murdered by the Joker, and then resurrected almost two decades later, in which he initially turned against Batman, taking Joker’s old codename, the Red Hood.

bts, loona, cats, comics, white chocolate, thoughtful gifts, art, drawing, games, music, reading, adventures, one piece, photography, wasting time, books, fanfics and etcrats, frogs, boredom, being wrong, rude people, commercials, pain, not knowing what's going on, phone calls, losing, horror movies, authority, rejection and etc